BACUTI offers 3 variations of our SaaS Platform. Bacuti SaaS products are designed for heads of operations, heads of sustainability of medium and large sized enterprises.

Enterprise Edition
Enterprises use Bacuti's offering to calculate their product level emissions. The enterprise edition is pariticularlysguited if you have . a lot of enterprise data spread across multiple IT systems (e.g., ERP, BMS, MRP) . a complex supply chain with multiple tiers across geographies and plants . a complex product portfolio that runs into 10s and 100s of SKUs supplying to 10s and 100s of customers . multiple teams responsible for different aspects of sustainability operations, reporting, and analysis

SMB Edition
Enterprises use Bacuti's offering to calculate their product level emissions. The SMB edition is best suited for you if you have . Data concentrated in 1 or 2 enterprise systems . a simple supply chain, handful of suppliers, and mostly products that are commodity goods. . a small and simple product portfolio sold to a handful of customers . a single owner responsible for all sustainability actitivies in the company.

Assessor Edition
Assessor edition is used by 3rd party providers as a tool to complete an assessment for a client. These providers could be consulting companies, auditors, lawyers, industry associations, or free lancers working on behalf of the company. Data, analyses, and reporting are linked to a specific project report and do not carry over to other projects. Commercial terms are also similar - linked to a particular project and optimized for one time use and pass through billing.

Catalyze your Net-Zero Journey
Use BACUTI to accelerate your Net-Zero Journey. BACUTI can help you calculate, analyze, share, report, certify, forecast, and plan sustainability metrics of your business

Bacuti allows you to calculate your Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 carbon emissions from operational data already available in your IT systems (e.g., ERP, BMS, MRP, Finance). Bacuti is able to supplement missing data using analytic techniques or use secondary data sources, when necessary.

Bacuti has built in workflow to request data from 3rd party suppliers to calculate scope 3 up-stream carbon foot prints. Bacuti can integrate into independent data networks like catena-x and also aggregate data from industry sources.

The power of having all sustainability data in one place is the ability to plan for the future. Bacuti has tools to run what-if scenarios and will be soon providing solutions to implement design for sustainability in the system.

Customers can analyze their Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 data by product, factory, business unit etc., One can track progress against key performance indicators, across quarters and against future goals

Bacuti software allows you to generate reports that comply with regulatory requirements including European Regulations (e.g., CBAM), US (e.g., SB-253) or the upcoming US regulations on carbon import tax. Reports can be generated in PDF, shared through APIs or submitted in meta-data format directly to the regulatory authorities

Customers, also, can forecast actuals and compare against target and peer groups. Forecasting helps companies manage and reduce risk from sustainability related factors.

Customers can share their detailed embedded carbon footprint with their customers at the granularity they decide. This allows them to protect IP and retain commercial leverage while still meeting customer requirements. ​ Similarly, customers can request product level embedded carbon footprint from their suppliers easily and seamlessly. Supplies can upload this information easily or use Bacuti to calculate it quickly.

Bacuti software integrates certification workflow directly into its products. We have identified a network of partners who can review the calculation and reports and provide a certification right on Bacuti.

Bacuti current offering is targetted at industries that have complex supply chains and are under immediate pressure to report product level embedded footprint from regulators are customers

Steel production is highly reliant on coal, which is primarily used as a reducing agent to extract iron from iron ore and to provide the carbon content needed in steel. Over the past decade, total CO2 emissions from the iron and steel sector have risen, largely owning to increases in steel demand. The direct CO2 intensity of crude steel production has decreased slightly in the past few years, but efforts need to be accelerated to get on track with the pathway in the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario. ​ Steel is one of the categories in the first wave Europe's CBAM regulations.

The chemical sector is the largest industrial energy consumer and the third largest industry subsector in terms of direct CO2 emissions. This is largely because around half of the chemical subsector’s energy input is consumed as feedstock – fuel used as a raw material input rather than as a source of energy. There is growing demand for a vast array of chemical products, including plastics, and demand for primary chemicals – an indication of activity in the sector overall – has increased strongly.

For the past couple of decades, the automotive industry has been under considerable pressure from governments and society to pursue a more sustainable model of growth. ​ The industry, in response, has been working on addressing many of these concerns. For instance, between 2000 and 2015, EU automotive companies were ahead of the carbon footprint reduction targets set by regulators. ​ Implementation of sustainability initiatives are limited by fragmentation and complex supply chains that limit visibility and coordinated action.

luminium is both an important input to several technologies critical to the energy transition, and a significant source of CO2. Direct emissions from the global aluminium sector have been steadily rising over the past decade, driven by increasing production, which is expected to continue expanding due to population and economic growth. ​ Aluminum is one of the categories in the first wave Europe's CBAM regulations

As the global implications of climate change become increasingly apparent, there is a growing focus on the carbon footprint and environmental impact of electronics manufacturing. ​ Consumer habits and shorter electronics lifecycles are creating electronic waste that has a significant environmental impact. And if that weren’t enough, the amount of data sent and stored globally requires an ever-increasing number of data centers that use electricity to power servers and cooling systems, creating a significant carbon footprint.

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