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Understanding the Low Emission Steel Standard

The Low Emission Steel Standard (LESS) is a new German certification standard that will provide a method for steel companies to disclose the sustainability status of their steel production. Certification will begin for companies in Q3 of 2024 and will require in-depth evaluation and reporting of product-level (scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions.

LESS stands for Low Emission Steel Standard. It’s a voluntary labelling program that classifies steel based on the carbon di oxide emissions released during pre-production and production of steel.

LESS certification is optional for companies, but highly recommended. LESS will apply to each of the two major methods of steel production: blast furnace production, and electric production. This will provide for simplified comparability of the two methods.

LESS utilizes a six-stage classification system which designates individual products a label of “near-zero” or a letter grade, A to E.

Download the full report here.

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